Hindås/Sundshult Väder - All-Time Stationsrekord
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All-Time Weather Records

Todays high dew point of 15.2°C surpassed the monthly high of 12.2°C set on 09/11/2022 by 3°

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All Data Collected Since Juni 2007

Temperature Records

Highest Temperature 30.0 °C 2024-07-21
Lowest Temperature -20.1 °C 2024-01-16
Highest Heat Index 31.4 °C 2024-07-21
Lowest Wind Chill -20.1 °C 2024-01-16
Warmest Day (6am - 6pm) 28.4 C on: 27 Jun 2024
Warmest Night (6pm - 6am) 22.4C on: 28 Jun 2024
Coldest Day (6am - 6pm) -13.8C on: 16 Jan 2024
Coldest Night (6pm - 6am) -14.3C on: 16 Jan 2024

Wind Records

Highest Wind Gust 20.6 m/s 2023-10-14
Highest Average Speed 11.6 m/s 2023-10-14
Highest Daily Wind Run 393.9 km 2024-01-22

Precipitation Records

Highest Daily Precipitation 77.2 mm 2024-02-23
Highest Monthly Precipitation 193.0 mm August, 2023
Highest Precipitation Rate 6.7 mm/min 2024-02-23
Consecutive Days With Precipitation 23 Last day of Streak: 2023-09-02
Consecutive Days Without Precipitation 13 Last day of Streak: 2024-05-23

Humidity Records

Highest Dewpoint 21.3°C 2024-05-31
Lowest Dewpoint -21.5°C 2024-01-16
Highest Humidity 99% 2023-12-21
Lowest Humidity 24% 2024-05-18

Barometer Records

Highest Pressure 1041.8 hPa 2024-01-08
Lowest Pressure 960.8 hPa 2023-12-21

Sun Records

Highest Solar Radiation 1139.0 W/m² 2024-06-12